How to Peel, Slice and Chop an Onion

Onions seem to be used in many, many savory recipes because they add depth of flavor. Knowing how to peel, slice and chop an onion will speed up your prep time. My Little Chefs have seen the big bag of onions just waiting for them and have asked to practice since thoroughly enjoying cutting the potatoes and cucumbers.

Onions are used in so many recipes. Knowing how to peel, slice and chop an #onion will aid in your prep time. #kidscooking #cookingschool

To Slice an Onion:

  1. Onions come with a papery skin which needs to be removed. As we previously learned, cut off the bulb end (not the hairy root end).
  2. Peel off the skin.
  3. Cut the onion in half from the root end to the stem end.
  4. If the root end has green leaves on the inside of the onion pull those out. You may need to cut a notch to get that out.
  5. Place the flat side down on a cutting board. Cut the root end off.
  6. Thinly slice from the stem to the root end.

Onions are used in so many recipes. Knowing how to peel, slice and chop an #onion will aid in your prep time. #kidscooking #cookingschool

To Chop an Onion:

  1. Onions come with a papery skin which needs to be removed. As we previously learned, cut off the bulb end (not the hairy root end).
  2. Peel off the skin.
  3. Cut the onion in half from the root end to the stem end.
  4. If the root end has green leaves on the inside of the onion pull those out. You may need to cut a notch to get that out.
  5. Place the flat side down on a cutting board. Cut parallel to the cutting board almost all the way to the root end. How many parallel cuts will depend on the final size you are needing. (chop, dice, mince) Remember to evenly space your cuts. When practicing with my Little Chefs I learned this step is best done by me, not my 5 year old. No one was cut attempting this step, it just made me super nervous as she was setting up for the cut. I was afraid she would cut on an upward angle not parallel. The older girls were able to safely complete this step.
  6. Cut horizontally in evenly spaced cuts from almost the root end to the stem end. Again, the end result will determine the spacing. Leave at least 1/2″ at the root end uncut. We want to keep the onion intact at the root end throughout the cutting process. Amazingly all my Little Chefs (and some of their visiting friends) were able to do this. I did not expect everyone to keep their onion intact, but yet all 5 girls were did.
  7. Holding the root end make perpendicular cuts starting at the stem end. Small pieces should fall off the onion as you cut in your desired size. Again, evenly space your cuts in your desired size. The Little Chefs discovered they needed to squeeze the onion together with their non-cutting hand to be the most successful. Of course that would be true. The onion has been cut 2 different ways and it barely holding together. Any pressure from the knife makes it flatten. To stop that from happening squeeze the sides of the onion together just a little to help it hold its shape while you cut.

After working with knives this time and our previous time we have learned how necessary it is for Little Chefs to be at the right height relationship with the counter. If the counter is too high they cannot get enough leverage from their arm to push down with enough force. We had to experiment with different stools and phone books until we found the right height for them to individually be successful. Now when we cut together some are at the counter while others are at the table standing on different types of stools.


  • Watch video How To Chop An Onion 3 Ways
  • Practice peeling, slicing and chopping at least one onion.
  • How did you do? Feel free to leave a comment.



I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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