Peanut Butter Apple Crackers (with toppings!)

Peanut Butter Apple Crackers from is a simple snack kids can customize themselves! Go on, play with your food! #peanutbutter #apple #kidscooking

The kids come home from school and want a snack right away. Does that sound familiar? Our school gets out late in the day so I do not want to give them a lot to eat or they will not eat their dinner. Of course they are hungry so a little snack to keep them content until dinner is what they need. These Peanut Butter Apple Crackers are fun because the kids can choose their toppings. What kid doesn’t like to play with their food!

The first step is to wash and cut your apples. Add a splash of lemon juice to keep the apples from browning. Gently stir the apples and the juice together. We have found it best to put some peanut butter in a smaller container so that the actual peanut butter container does not become contaminated with all the toppings. Maybe it is just me, but I hate seeing anything mixed in even on accident like crumbs, yuck! Next, break the graham crackers in 4ths, on the marked lines.

Peanut Butter Apple Crackers from is a simple snack kids can customize themselves! Go on, play with your food! #peanutbutter #apple #kidscooking

Top one cracker with peanut butter. We added enough peanut butter to coat each cracker. If you love peanut butter add a thick layer instead! Place an apple slice on top of the peanut butter.

Peanut Butter Apple Crackers from is a simple snack kids can customize themselves! Go on, play with your food! #peanutbutter #apple #kidscooking

This is where you can go crazy. Add whatever toppings you desire. Today we decided to add chocolate syrup on top of all the apples. They wanted to coat all the apples, but just a little drizzle is great. Then we got out whatever we had in the pantry that would be fun as a topping; nuts, coconut, mint chips, candy chips…there are so many possibilities…mini marshmallows, caramel, mini chocolate chips…see what I mean!  The chocolate syrup is sticky enough to keep the topping in place.

Peanut Butter Apple Crackers from is a simple snack kids can customize themselves! Go on, play with your food! #peanutbutter #apple #kidscooking

Peanut Butter Apple Crackers is a simple snack kids can customize themselves! Go on, play with your food!


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

1 Reply to "Peanut Butter Apple Crackers (with toppings!)"

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    Winnie November 11, 2013 (12:24 pm)

    These are just fantastic!!
    Great and cute idea 🙂