In just one week…BYBC


I’m so excited that in just one week I am going to BYBC- the Build Your Blog Conference. I was not planning on going but thanks to Taste Of  Home for sponsoring me I am able to attend. Because I have been given this opportunity I am planning on learning as much as I possibly can. There are some questions I have always wanted to ask others more experienced and this is my chance.

  • I am getting some buisness cards printed so I can connect with other bloggers and affilliates.
  • I am writing down the questions I have so when I connect with the right person I have all my questions in hand. I seem to forget everything I want to say when I meet people so I’m trying to be as prepared as possible.
  • I’m preparing my pitch. What is Five Little Chefs about in just a few sentences? How can I quickly get that across to those people I meet and in a coherent way.
  • I’m reviewing the schedule for the conference and planning which classes I want to go to. This is a very hard decision because there are multiple classes in each time slot that I would like to attend. I’m hoping recordings will be available in some way to learn from the classes I cannot go to. I am writing down questions I have about those topics so I can hopefully get some answers in that setting.

My two goals are to connect with other bloggers and find some who want to work together to cross promote to expand our exposure. I want to connect with affilliates and find a way to work together that is beneficial and fair for us both. In a way this seems like a tall order for just two days, but if I’m prepared for BYBC I hope I can be successful.

buisness cards


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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