Marble Painting

Marble Painting

My Little Chefs LOVE to paint! Whenever we are painting the house inside or out they want to help. Anytime they see their paints they want to do it NOW. I have a love/hate relationship with paint because it can be so messy with little ones! I always seem to have a little one who makes the biggest mess. I have seen people paint with cars or trucks, but at my house those are not common toys. Then I had an idea!

We just went to a case lot sale at a local grocery store and after storing the cans we had some flat boxes that were just bigger then a regular piece of paper. What if we put a piece of paper in the box and then drop small dots of paint on the paper in various colors then add a few marbles and help them roll around to spread the paint around. This should be fun, artistic and have a minimal mess.

Paint drops Marble painting Marble painting

Marble painting Marble painting

This was a very fun art project. All the Little Chefs big and small were able to participate and have a great time!

 Marble painting masterpiece Marble painting finished Marble painting done Marble painting completed

Marble Painting


  • Box – preferably a little big bigger then your piece of paper, but in reality any size box will do.
  • Paper – any type, white is easier to see the paint
  • Acrylic paints – various colors of your chosing
  • Marbles – 1-3 per box works great


  1. Place your piece of paper in your box.
  2. Place drops of paint randomly onto the paper. You can experiment with larger and smaller drops.
  3. Place your marbles in the box and rotate the box to keep the marbles rolling to create your design.
  4. Let the paint dry. Clean off the marbles.


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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