Jump Rope Songs

There are so many fun memories I have from my childhood. Jumping rope, singing songs on the playground at school and playing hopscotch were two of my favorite things. I want to share these songs with my kids through these Jump Rope Songs {Printables}. This time instead of creating easy crafts I made the printable simple to send to one hour photo and let them do the work. Check here for even more jump rope songs and activities that I later created because this one was so popular. There are so many things to do with jump ropes.

Jump rope songs are fun sing in the summer or at school. A great way to incorporate music and fitness. Package with a new jump rope for unique gift ideas.

When I was in elementary school I used to jump rope. I remember watching some older kids play double dutch and wish I could be like them. We had fun rhymes we would sing at recess making exercise fun. My girls have just started getting into jump rope at school. I wanted to help teach them some of the songs I remembered.

Jump rope songs are fun sing in the summer or at school. A great way to incorporate music and fitness. Package with a new jump rope for unique gift ideas.

As a Mom I like it when my kids find joy in jump roping because it is great for their bodies. It is a hidden form of fitness because it is fun! They are rhyming and counting and laughing with friends or family while they are working their muscles. When they are tired they will “get out,” take a break and then start all over again.

If you package these songs up with a new jump rope it would be a great gift. I decided to put the songs in a small photo album. I’ll be filling the rest of the book with a few other ideas that are in the works.

Get the Jump Rope Songs Printables here.

Don’t forget to unzip the file and then send them over to one hour photo.

Jump rope songs are fun sing in the summer or at school. A great way to incorporate music and fitness. Package with a new jump rope for unique gift ideas.

Your kids will read the book like they do other books and then when it is time to jump rope they will have all the songs memorized. If not, go ahead and bring the book along. It’s a great way to teach your friends the songs.

Jump rope songs are fun sing in the summer or at school. A great way to incorporate music and fitness. Package with a new jump rope for unique gift ideas.Don’t forget to check out part 2 of these jump rope songs and activities.Jump rope songs are fun sing in the summer or at school. A great way to incorporate music and fitness. Package with a new jump rope for unique gift ideas.


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

8 Replies to "Jump Rope Songs"

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    Betsy @ BPhotoArt.com May 5, 2015 (3:42 am)

    How cute! I loved jump rope songs when I was little 🙂 Pinned!

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    Kim May 5, 2015 (1:04 pm)

    What a fun gift idea!

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    morewithlessmom May 12, 2015 (10:42 am)

    This is a great idea as summer rolls around. You could let your kidlet pick one of those little photo albums at the dollar store to use. Thanks for posting. Hello from Busy Monday.

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    allthatsjas May 12, 2015 (11:22 am)

    I love those! Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!