Learning Apps for Active Learning: Numbers/Counting Android

Learning Apps

It has been about 16 months since Haley went in for brain surgery to have her tumor removed. She was 2 1/2 when we discovered she had a major problem which we later learned was cancer. She was a smart girl who was talking at 18 months. Post surgery we have realized her brain works a little differently. We have learned to patiently wait while her brain heals. That hasn’t been the easiest! She is now 4 and in preschool. You could look at Haley, have a short conversation with her and then you would probably conclude she was an average 4 year old. Yes that is wonderful! We are so grateful for that. But, that is also what makes it hard. People just don’t understand her differences or the difficulties we experience at home. She has hidden issues that are not very notieable that need to be addressed now.

I am working with Haley’s teachers to help them understand that she learns just a little differently then other kids. Haley needs to tag something new she learns to something that is familiar. She needs to learn a new concept with music or by manipulating something. Just repetitive memorization does not work for her brain, she needs active learning. I am discovering different ways to teach numbers, the alphabet, colors….so that she retains the information and can recall the information when needed.

In the world today we have so much technology at our fingertips. Learning apps are one of the fun ways we are teaching Haley. Today I am sharing 6 FREE Numbers/Counting Learning Apps for active learning on the Android we have found helpful.

Learning Numbers by Entertainment Warehouse




Find Little Dot by BabyFirst and Lazoo


Counting Cows



Math, Count and Numbers For Kids



  Kids Numbers and Math FREE



  Fish Swish by WGBH Digital

I am sure there are many good paid number/counting learning apps out there. We have just started with the free ones, or ones that were free. Haley likes playing this last one but I didn’t include it because it isn’t free anymore.

  Numbers For Kids Games – was free until recently, now it is $1.00



I’d love to hear of any other number/counting learning apps that are free or paid that you have loved. I am always up to try something new.


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

2 Replies to "Learning Apps for Active Learning: Numbers/Counting Android"

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    Coombe Mill January 19, 2015 (11:00 am)

    Sounds like Hayley has had a lot to overcome in life already. These number cards look a great way to learn. #MagicMoments

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    jessbures January 22, 2015 (8:55 pm)

    I am so glad she is ok! I cannot imagine watching your child go through something like that. I have a lot of those apps on my phone for my 6 year old and she loves them! thanks for sharing at Totally Terrific Tuesday!! I am glad you linked up and I hope you linked up this week too!!
    Jess @liverandomlysimple