Heart String Theory

Heart String Theory

February 1st is just a few days away. As I have said before my Little Chefs LOVE holidays. This year, starting on February 1st, we are going to make a paper heart garland. For each act of love shown for another family member one heart will be added to our garland. We are excited to see how long our garland will be come February 14th!

To get them excited about the idea we all sat down with different colors of construction paper in valentine colors; red, pink and white. They each practiced their cutting skills by cutting out as many hearts as they wanted. We found it the easiest to fold over a piece of paper and only cut out one half of the heart. For the smaller Little Chefs it was easier to draw on the hearts then cut following the lines. They wanted to draw the hearts then they wanted me to draw the hearts. Both ways were successful. Some hearts are small and some are large.

cutting out hearts  cutting hearts

We then used a hole punch and punched two holes in the middle(ish) of each heart. Again we folded the heart on the previous fold and punched a hole through which made the holes equal distance from the center on both sides of the line.

punching holes in hearts

All the completed hearts were collected and placed in a basket which was then put in a spot we all could reach. We set up the beginning of our garland on our stair railing. We chose this spot because it is very visible to serve as a reminder. We have a long piece of yarn attached at one end and the other end has a piece of tape wrapped around the very end to keep the yarn from unwinding. When someone shows some act of love for another family member they will be given a heart. They will take the heart to the railing and thread it through the heart, up one hole and down the next.

Hearts ready to string

They are already excited to do this activity. They can’t wait for February 1st to come! I hope recognizing the acts of love for 14 days straight will make an impression on everyone to continue throughout the year!


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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