Trick or Treat Bag

Trick or Treat Bag

Tonight we have a Halloween party and that got us thinking about the actual night of Trick or Treating. Where we live the streets are darker then the streets around our previous home. We found some glow in the dark duct tape and thought that would be a perfect idea for keeping the kids safe as they crisscross the streets. We thought of all the accessories we could make but then remembered everyone would be in their costumes. The one item everyone would have no matter their costume would be their bag. So the glow in the dark trick or treat bag idea became the winner.

Gather your supplies:

  • Bag, any type (our bags are like the ones at the dollar store)
  • Glow in the Dark Duck Tape
  • Scissors

If you have ever worked with duct tape you know it is a little difficult to cut for adults. In thinking about kids doing this activity I thought it would be best to use squares. I could cut the squares for them and all they needed to do was adhere them to the bag in whatever design they chose.


Little Chef A was able to cut her squares, but the younger siblings preferred me to cut them in advance. There are many different ways you can design with squares by overlapping in different directions. Little Chef A even overlapped her nose with a smaller square to give it more dimension. To make the eyebrows Little Chef A cut into the square to form the “V” shape. There are many shapes that can be made out of a square. The square is small enough it was a lot easier to work with compared to the entire roll.

decorate-2Use your imagination and creativity as you create your own glow in the dark trick or treat bag.

The duct tape is so sticky it adhered easily and has not come off. Remember the duct tape needs to be “charged” by being exposed to sunlight before being used.


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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