
Summer Calendar

When spring hits I start to think ahead to school getting out and the beginning of summer. This year for me it is very different because we recently moved which meant a new school which unfortunately is a year round school. While some of my Little Chefs will still be in school I still have more Little Chefs at home who want to go out and do things. Summer is the best time when it is warm to do a lot of investigating of our local sites as well as road trips.

To help aid in planning fun summer activities I decided to create a Summer Calendar. Monday through Friday we will do something fun! This calendar is designed to be placed in a page protector and then displayed on the refrigerator or another high traffic location so it is visible to all Little Chefs.
Summer Calendar from fivelittlechefs.com Is a printable calendar with seven pages of ideas for your kids to choose. #summer calendar #printable #kidscrafts

I have also created many ideas for my Little Chefs to choose from each week. Collectively we will sit down at the beginning or end of the week and choose 5 activities for the upcoming week. They will then cut them out and tape one to each day of the week. This way they know what to expect and I know what I need to do to execute the activities. The next week we will remove the activities and replace them with the next week’s fun ideas.

Summer Calendar from fivelittlechefs.com Is a printable calendar with seven pages of ideas for your kids to choose. #summer calendar #printable #kidscrafts

Since I created this Summer Calendar for my family I decided to share them with all of you! Download and print SEVEN pages of summer fun ideas. Don’t worry if you have more ideas because you can create your own and place them on the calendar just as easy. Not only will my Little Chefs know what is going on each day but it will also give them something fun to look forward to after their jobs are completed.

Some of the activities can already be found here on Five Little Chefs such as; Crayon Melted Art, our version of playing with marbles, make your own sailboat and river, while others will soon be found here so come back often and check! Make sure you print all 5 files below if you want the summer calendar plus all seven pages of ideas.







I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

8 Replies to "Summer Calendar"

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    Merry May 3, 2013 (8:00 am)

    What a wonderful idea! I like keeping a something of a routine in the summer, and this also sounds like a great way to avoid the ‘I’m boreds’.

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    Jen Nikolaus May 4, 2013 (11:54 am)

    Found you over at Classy Clutter’s Spotlight Saturday and had to click! Okay, this is THE CUTEST idea!! My boys are going to flip for this! Thank you so much for putting this together, pinning and definitely going to do this summer! I hope you’re having a great week!

    Jen @ YummyHealthyEasy.com

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    amy @ commona-my house May 11, 2013 (8:23 am)

    These are great!!! I so need this! Thanks for sharing on the Give Me the Goods link party!

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    More Than A Mom June 2, 2013 (11:12 am)

    This is such a great list of summer fun with the kids. Thank you so much for sharing!