Orange Banana Smoothie

Five Little Chefs – Orange Banana Smoothie

  My Little Chefs LOVE bananas and juice. We seem to have both around quite frequently. I have been known to buy a lot of bananas, eat some, and freeze some for later. When I came across this recipe I thought it would be perfect for us! I know this recipe calls for everything fresh. In fact all the recipes we have been making call for everything fresh. In our world (home) we have so much going on fresh everything isn’t possible or affordable. We thought why not make this smoothie with what we have currently in our home. We do have orange juice, sometimes I have fresh lime/lemon juice that I juice and freeze in ice cube trays, I have a bag of frozen strawberries, and I have frozen bananas.

  Little Chef D wanted to be the one in charge of this recipe! That’s ok, it is just her speed. It was easy to measure out everything. She did share with Little Chef A and let her pour in part of the orange juice.

  Pushing the button was something Little Chef D did almost too soon. The lid had to be on all the way and I instructed Little Chef A to hold onto the top to make sure it didn’t pop off and make a huge mess. She was quick at understanding this concept. As I was explaining, she finished my thoughts. That always makes me proud.

   Time to pour it into the glass! It looks so good. One benefit of using frozen fruits is the smoothie comes out very cold and thick!

  The girls were so excited to try this. They could hardly wait for their cups to be poured. Little Chef A said “I can totally taste the orange juice!” She also had a chunk in her cup. We talked about how next time if it blends more the chunks will break down and become small like the rest of it did. Little Chef C said “It makes my body freeze.” Followed by Little Chef A adding, “It makes my mouth freeze! It tastes a little sour.” That is when we reviewed the ingredients and she discovered it is the lime juice that makes it taste that way. Little Chef H weighed in this time. I helped her try it through a straw. I had to walk away a couple times and put it down before she was done. She really let me know she wanted more and liked it. Little Chef A asked, as usual, “raise your hand if you love it.” Little Chef H has seen this so many times she raised her hand as well! Little Chef D was not very fond of this smoothie. I couldn’t get her to explain why, nor did I ask the right questions to pull it out of her. She loves drinks, I’m not sure what was different this time, especially since she made it!
  For my review, the banana smell is so strong. I expected to taste only bananas but I didn’t. The tang from the lime really came through. This would be a great smoothie for the beginning of the day. For the end of the day when we made it didn’t work for me.

Orange Banana Smoothie

Ina Garten


  • 1 1/2 cups freshly squeezed orange juice (4 oranges)
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 cup strawberries, tops removed, and cut in 1/2
  • 1 to 1 1/2 ripe bananas


Combine the orange juice, lime juice, strawberries, and banana in a blender and process until smooth. Refrigerate until cold.

1 Reply to "Orange Banana Smoothie"

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    recipesfromapantry April 12, 2013 (11:34 am)

    This looks really good.