
Pumpkin Shaped Cinnamon Rolls

Pumpkin Shaped Cinnamon Roll from fivelittlechefs.com #pumpkin #kidscooking

Do you do anything special for breakfast in the fall or for Halloween? We seem to do a lot of fun things for dinner and desserts but often forget about breakfast. We wanted to share a fun pumpkin shaped cinnamon roll that would be perfect for breakfast.

Purchase a refrigerated tube of cinnamon rolls. My tube came with the cinnamon rolls already in circles we just needed to separate them and put them on a cookie sheet. Instead of doing as the directions say, cut the circle in half one way then in half the other way. You are cutting the circle into fourths. We love to use a pizza cutter because we have found it to be the easiest to handle.

Pumpkin Shaped Cinnamon Roll from fivelittlechefs.com #pumpkin #kidscooking

Take each section and squish it into a hot dog shape and then roll it out with a rolling pin. Don’t worry it doesn’t need to be exact. Let’s be honest, nothing is exact when my kids are cooking but they are having fun and that is what is important! Our cinnamon rolls were a little sticky so you can see all the reside from the previous ones we rolled out. Next, cut each of the four strips in half. Again, use the pizza cutter for ease.

separate pieces

On your parchment lined cookie sheet position your strips to make a pumpkin. One strip is the top, another is the bottom. Two more strips are the sides. You will want to overlap the strips a little and squeeze to keep them together. Three strips are for the middle lines of the pumpkin. The last strip you need to cut in thirds to make the stem and two leaves. It is easy to place the dough and then pull gently to shape as necessary.

Pumpkin Shaped Cinnamon Roll from fivelittlechefs.com #pumpkin #kidscooking

Bake according to package, but watch until they brown then remove from oven.


They will cook faster then the directions say because the dough is now thinner. When they are completely baked they will look like this.

Pumpkin Shaped Cinnamon Roll from fivelittlechefs.com #pumpkin #kidscooking

You can then cover it with the icing that came in the tube. I figured it was easier to see without the icing! Of course we quickly put the icing on after the picture while it was still warm so it would melt and be gooey to eat! How’s that for a fun Halloween or fall breakfast made from a store bought cinnamon roll tube.


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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