Simple Chocolate Sauce

Simple Chocolate Sauce from

Do you ever need a last minute dessert? Every now and then while eating dinner my Little Chefs ask if we could have dessert. I usually start to panic and think what do we have already made that can be a dessert. Sometimes we have more options then others, but we always seem to have ice cream. So then the question arrives how do we embellish the ice cream? We always have sprinkles, unless Little Chef H finds the latest hiding place and eats them out of the container! A simple chocolate sauce is the answer. All we need is milk chocolate chips, a little bit of heavy cream and about 5 minutes. Now that is something we can make and still get to bed on time.

In a small saucepan on low combine the milk chocolate chips and heavy cream. Stir constantly until melted. Serve over ice cream.

chips chips-in-pan

If you need to jazz it up even more grab some fresh fruit, whatever you had on hand, cut it up and put the ice cream and chocolate sauce on top.  Next time while you are cleaning up dinner you can make this simple chocolate sauce for your impromptu dessert!


Have you heard about our Fantastic Thursday Linky Party? We welcome all recipes, crafts…. that are family friendly. The party is open Wednesday 10pm MST until Sunday. We pin our favorites each week!

You will not want to miss our current giveaway from Wonderful Brands. It ends Saturday so hurry and enter!


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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