What is a stock, broth, bouillon, fond, and fume?

Stock, broth, bouillon, fond, fume...what are the differences from fivelittlechefs.com #stock #cookingschool #kidscooking

Have you ever wondered what the components are that make up a stock, broth, bouillon, fond and fume?

Stock – Martha Stewart says a stock is “made of water simmered with bones (except vegetable stock). The meat on them provided flavor while the bones and gelatinious connective tissue between them, slowly break down and add body to the liquid.” (p.39)

A frugal stock can be made from the bones and carcasses of a roasted chicken with fresh vegetables. You can save the carcasses in a bag in the freezer until you have 3 or 4 then you can make the stock. It will not be as flavorful as stock made from various uncooked chicken parts but it will beat the flavor of a bouillon cube.

White Stock – raw ingredients are cooked in water. Produces a mild, light flavor for some soups.

Brown Stock – bones and vegetables are roasted in the oven before simmering. Produces a deep color, intense flavor for rich sauces and braises.

Broth – water simmered with meat or bone-in meat and/or vegetables. “It is typically lighter bodies and served on its own.”

Bouillon – sometimes used interchangeably with broth. Refers to a grocery store product that can be reconstituted into a broth substitute.

Fond – French for stock

Fume – concentrated fish stock

Quicker to make then chicken or beef stock. Ask a fishmonger for heads and bones from white fish. You will not want to use a strong-flavored oily fish.  I wonder if I can get this at my regular grocery store? I think I will ask next time.

Fun Fact: Stocks, broths, fond and fume may be refrigerated for 4-5 days or may be frozen for up to 6 months.

For even more information read pages 38-39 in the Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Book. 


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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