How I Reward Myself at the End of the Day

Dinner is put away, chores are done, kids are showered and in bed, now it is time for ME. What can I do to reward myself for making it through the day?

I ask myself this question on those especially hard days. The answer varies of course for me as I’m sure it would for you. Some nights it is very unhealthy but for those nights when I want to be more healthy I turn to Muller Dessert Inspired Yogurt.

How I reward myself at the end of the day.

This is not like the yogurt you have for breakfast, a quick lunch or a snack for my kids. This is dessert inspired such as Strawberry Cheesecake, Raspberry Brownie Supreme, Dulce de Leche Delight and Peach Cobbler.

How it works is there are two compartments in the packaging. The larger section has the yogurt and the smaller is the pie crust or brownie in small bite sized pieces. All you do is open the top, fold the small compartment over to the large compartment and the crust or brownie will fall into the yogurt. Make sure you stir really well because the tart fruit is all the way at the bottom.

I tried two for free. The brownie portion in the Raspberry Brownie Supreme is very rich chocolate. The Strawberry Cheesecake has bite sized crust pieces that have a hint of cinnamon. The yogurt is so good in both of these I could eat it alone. The mix ins bring in another flavor but I love the added texture.

muller yogurt

I searched many stores and was only able to find these at Kroger stores. They come in 5.3 ounces for a suggested price of $1.39. I found them for $1.

When you are thinking about how to reward yourself at the end of the day think of Muller Dessert Inspired Yogurt. They are only 220 calories or less. Better yet, plan ahead to reward yourself the next time you are at a Kroger store.

How I reward myself at the end of the day.


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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