MercoBox…if you are in Utah you need to read this!

I had the wonderful opportunity to review a MercoBox from MercoLocal. I was excited about this opportunity because I was not even vaguely familiar with this product or company. All I knew was at the beginning of each month MercoBoxes are delivered and each month the customer is surprised with the contents. The common thread is that all the products in the box are from locally owned businesses in Utah. How fun is that! I would like to know what is made here in Utah so that I can support those local. This is a great opportunity to discover those companies and try out their products.

MercoBoxWhen the box arrives you know exactly who it is from because it is branded well. There is a huge white label on the bottom of the box. You need to flip the box over to unstick the label and remove the white layer to be able to open the box.  I like this feature because the white label contains all the information necessary on the contents of the box. This way if you are alllergic to any of the items you will know what precautions you need to take before you open it up.

MercoBoxOnce open there is a two sided card with a welcome message and details about the contents which include the company name, item and retail value. The items are packed with cute yellow paper which my Little Chef love to play with!

MercoBox February contents

These are the contents of the February box! 8 out of the 9 products were completely new to me. I had heard of Hatch Family Chocolates as a company but I have never tasted their creations (Yummy! They are delicious!). NuManna, DrainWig, Beehive soap (in my newest favorite scent!), Inkling Scents, Crio Bru, Acme Camera Rental, NS Minerals and Bloesem Flower Shop were all new to me.

I was so excited have the opportunity to tell others about MercoLocal and to share one of their boxes with a friend. I was relieved to find out I wasn’t the only one unfamiliar with many of these products. But at the same time it is a bit sad. I absolutely love this idea of getting a package each month with local items. What a great way to try new local products as well as being aware of local businesses. I think a MercoBox would be a great gift idea for anyone who wants to share original products from Utah with those inside or outside of Utah.

To learn more about MercoLocal and to order your own MercoBox visit their website.




I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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