thank you notes 2 results

Thanks for RISING to the Task

My kids were out of school for 3 weeks in July. We (my kids and myself) were gone for pretty much that entire time. We had 2 family reunions, went to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon then all the way down to Carlsbad Caverns (stopping at many places to see in between), up to my parents cabin, swimming, rodeo, shooting bows and arrows....a lot of family time. We had SO much fun that we were exhausted at the end. We came home to a party, had one day to regroup and prepare for school then off we ...

Minion Thank You

Sometimes I like to thank someone for a kind deed. A quick note or small gift makes the thank you extra special. This Minion Thank You Note is just that - an easy craft that takes just a few minutes to create. Thank you notes with candy are extra special. I love printables, but sometimes I want a craft that isn't a printable. This fun minion thank you note is easy to create and easy to replicate. Minion Thank You Supplies Needed: Yellow card stock Blue card stock Black card ...