Little Chef Musings

Our Chicken Fajitas were featured at 30 Handmade Days! Thanks so much!

My Little Chefs are starting to sound like they are experts. Some are more daring then others to voice their opinion. Some ask more questions then others. Most of those conversations occur while we are cooking. Some occur when we watch Food Network or when someone else is making the meal. Most of the time I laugh and they are not sure what to say to that. They do not know what is so funny.
Tonight Little Chef Dad was making prepping for some steamed carrots. Little Chef A said, “Dad make sure you season those well, we wouldn’t want them without seasoning.” Little Chef Dad turned to me and said, “I blame you for that!”
Earlier in the week at family dinner Grandma asked if the gravy was seasoned well enough. Little Chef A put her finger into her own gravy and waved her finger in the air into her mouth. Mmmm she said, perfect.  I was holding my breath not sure what she was going to say. Luckily the family knows she is becoming an expert on seasoning so they would have taken whatever she said!
Each time we watch Restaurant Impossible Little Chefs C and D remind me, “Mom, Chef Robert is not being mean, he is not mad at them. He wants to help them so its ok if he yells.”
Little Chef D reminds me over and over for days after watching Restaurant Impossible, “Mom remember that kitchen it was DISGUSTING! They didn’t clean it.”
We finished watching Worse Cooks In America when the preview for Iron Chef America began. Little Chef D said, “Mom! Its the boy from Worse Cooks In America. He is on this show!”
My favorite conversation for the week came from Little Chef A. We were eating some strawberries when she commented they were not very sweet. I explained that sometimes we cut them up and sprinkle a little sugar on them which makes them sweeter and then juice comes out so it has a little sauce. She replied, “It is kind of like the strawberry sneezed the juice out.” I love the minds of little ones!


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