
Ten Apples Up On Top

10 apples up on top (3) copy

We love reading books that can be interactive, so Ten Apples Up On Top! was a great choice for us.  We like this book because we can work on our counting and math skills.  Not only that, but Dr. Seuss has great books that hold the younger kids attention.

We have always liked reading Ten Apples Up On Top but I had never really thought about actually balancing apples on our head.  So we went right to it with our apples in the fridge.  Little Chef K had a blast seeing how many apples he could balance on his head.  The first few tries were difficult, but then he got the hang of it.  The apples that weren’t flat on the bottom were a little more difficult to use, but it was still a lot of fun to try.

10 apples up on top (8)

Want an activity for the younger kids?  Try apple stamping.  You will need paper, an apple, a knife to cut the apple in half, and some paint.  I drew the outline of an apple on the paper so the final product looked more like an apple.  Adults will need to cut the apple in half and after that it is the kids turn.  Give them a plate with paint on it and watch them have fun.  Dip the apple half in the paint and then into the apple shape.  Once we finished the main part of our apple I drew lines for the stem and let Little Chef K paint in the stem.  He loved seeing the final product of an actual apple on his paper.

10 apples up on top

We recently discovered Melty Beads in our house and have had a lot of fun with them.  While reading this book Little Chef asked about making an apple with the beads.  What a great experiment it was for us to figure out how to make an apple.  Not only did we make an apple, but I added a magnet to the back so we could display his apple painting as well.


We are so excited to read a new book each week and find fun activities, crafts, and recipes to go along with them.  There are a lot of fun books coming up to go along with cooking school.  It is a going to be a fun year for us!
backgroup 10 apples


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