Easter Egg Stitches

Last year I taught my Little Chefs how to stitch on a plastic canvas to make these fun Stitched Easter Eggs. I showed them how to do each stitch and then let them loose. They created these on their own. (Actually, I did thread and rethread the yarn over and over and over again as it was pulled out of the needle.) They did ALL of the stitching. This is why this piece of art was displayed in our home for a very long time. They were all extremely proud of their work!

Stitched Easter EggToday I thought I’d share how to create the stitches. The first one is a running stitch. It is a stitch that creates a line.

Running stitch

  1. Start from the back and push the needle through hole 1.
  2. Push down through hole 2.
  3. Up hole 3.
  4. Down hole 2.
  5. Up hole 3.
  6. Down hole 4.
  7. Up hole 5.
  8. Down hole 4.
  9. Up hole 5.
  10. Down hole 6.
  11. Up hole 7.
  12. Down hole 6.
  13. Up hole 7.
  14. Down hole 8…….

How to create a X stitch, as we call it. We are creating X’s over and over.

X Stitch

  1. Start from the back and push the needle up through hole 1.
  2. Push the needle down through hole 2.
  3. Up hole 3.
  4. Down hole 4.
  5. Start all over again. Up hole 5.
  6. Down hole 4.
  7. Up hole 2.
  8. Down hole 6.
  9. Start again. Up hole 7.
  10. Down hole 6.
  11. Up hole 5.
  12. Down hole 8.
  13. Up hole 9.
  14. Down hole 8.
  15. Up hole 7.
  16. Down hole 10.
  17. Up hole 11.
  18. Down hole 10.
  19. Up hole 9.
  20. Down hole 12……

Large X Stitch

To make the larger X’s do the exact same X stitch as you skip one row. You will be stitching on rows 1 and 3.

The last stitch we did was a diagonal stitch. This can go toward the right or toward the left.

Diagonal Stitch

  1. Start from the back and push up hole 1.
  2. Push down hole 2.
  3. Up hole 4.
  4. Down hole 5.
  5. Up hole 6.
  6. Down hole 7.
  7. Up hole 8.
  8. Down hole 9.
  9. Up hole 10.
  10. Down hole 11……

Easter Craft

Have fun this Easter and teach your Little Chefs these stitches and then let them create. It is a fun craft with quick results which means it will keep their attention. All you need to do is keep threading the needle over and over again!


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

3 Replies to "Easter Egg Stitches"

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    Katherines Corner March 20, 2014 (7:16 am)

    sweet, such a cute project. Thank you for linking and sharing your sweet blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop ♥

  • comment-avatar
    plutrell March 20, 2014 (9:18 am)

    I love how you made this so simple…excellent post! Thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog Hop!