Product Review: LYSOL® Healthy Touch® No-Touch Hand Soap System

   The first and most important step my Little Chefs have learned is to wash their hands.  We are constantly talking about germs and why we do not want to spread them from one item to another.  In fact, we have talked about washing hands so much, especially after breaking eggs, that my Little Chefs will not eat ANYTHING with raw eggs in them. When one of the younger Little Chefs asks to lick the bowl after mixing something an older Little Chef says “no you can’t it has raw eggs in it.” I am totally fine with that because I am not a cookie dough snacker, not now, never was. I don’t usually like to pass on my quirks to my Little Chefs (I think they will develop their own without my subtle pushing), but with the raw eggs, this one gets the green light. Besides, how do I explain raw eggs in cookie dough is ok, but in everything else it isn’t. Contradictions to Little Chefs are too hard to understand it’s best to steer clear and make the rules black and white, not muddled. 

    We have been using the Lysol Healthy Touch Hand Soap for a while now. We started out using it in the bathroom because I do believe that is the first perfect spot for it. But, I realized it would be wonderful for the kitchen as well. I was always trying to push the soap dispenser with my CLEANER hand/finger/forearm and it becomes quite tricky at times. This is perfect in the kitchen! My Little Chefs can finally get their own soap without my assistance. I love that it is automatic! I love that is helps stop the spread of germs! I love that my Little Chefs are washing and (let’s be honest) TRYING to be sanitary! However, when I look at my sink and counter I see a lot of residual soap. They don’t anticipate so much soap to come out so they move their hands away too soon and it finishes dispensing on the counter/sink. Sometimes as they move their little hands away toward the water a huge line of soap follows them as it is spilling off their hands. The amount that comes out in one use seems to be excessive, especially for little hands. We go though so much soap it is CRAZY! I’m having a hard time deciding if this is such a bad thing, or not. Should I really complain that my Little Chefs are using TOO much soap, or should I be thankful they ARE using soap in the first place? 

   Be aware that the perfect placement for this product is tricky. Many times my Little Chefs (or myself) have moved something in front of the sensor when they or I have been cleaning up or putting something in the sink and activated the sensor thus dispensing soap. The best placement takes some time to find. But, when you do find the perfect place, with the least amount of inadvertent dispenses this product is wonderful. It is great for both Little Chefs and adults. If I were the inventor, I would have a way to adjust the quantity coming out for your own preference. Ultimately, my Little Chefs can wash their hands WITH soap all by themselves WITHOUT spreading germs…or without spreading as many germs. (They are little and don’t wash perfectly every time.) Now all I need to get is an automatic faucet and we are another step closer to eliminating those germs.


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