Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with Veggie Mobile

I like to empower my kids. I like to teach them to become self-sufficient. One way I do this is through cooking. I love teaching my kids how to make a simple meal. My 12 year old knows how to make Kraft Macaroni and Cheese all by herself. My 7 year old had a desire to make it for everyone. Instead of being in the kitchen myself showing her the way I thought I could empower my 12 year old to teach her sister. The best way to solidify your knowledge of something is to teach it to someone else.

Guess what? It worked! My 12 year old loved being the teacher and my 7 year old loved learning how to cook something on her own.

Use Kraft Mac & Cheese to empower your kids to learn to cook. The directions are simple so that they can be successful. Create a veggie mobile, add fruit to round out the meal.

While they were working together I was teaching my 10 year old how to make vegetable cars just so I could supervise without being completely obvious.

We have been eating Kraft Macaroni and Cheese since my kids were old enough to consume it. It is one of our go to – quick and easy meal at home or on the road. At my house it is a typical Saturday lunch in the middle of chores.

Use Kraft Mac & Cheese to empower your kids to learn to cook. The directions are simple so that they can be successful. Create a veggie mobile, add fruit to round out the meal.

Last April an announcement was made that they would be removing ALL artificial flavors, preservatives and dyes. Guess what? They changed their formula in December 2015.

I had no idea! My kids had no idea! We didn’t notice any difference in taste. That was exactly why they didn’t announce it to the public until now. They wanted us to see if we noticed a change in the classic recipe.

It was the largest and quietest “blind taste test.” Families like mine everywhere virtually #didntnotice. I find that amazing! Now there are NO artificial preservatives, flavors or dyes. The original Kraft Mac & Cheese replaced artificial dyes (yellow 5 and 6) with paprika, annatto and turmeric to maintain the signature color.

I love that Kraft Mac & Cheese is focused on health and nutrition to make these changes.

Use Kraft Mac & Cheese to empower your kids to learn to cook. The directions are simple so that they can be successful. Create a veggie mobile, add fruit to round out the meal.

To go along with Kraft Macaroni and Cheese we created a fun veggie mobile. My kids loved it.

Click the Next button to get the recipe!


2 Replies to "Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with Veggie Mobile"

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    Patti Estep March 7, 2016 (1:20 pm)

    What a cute idea. Although my kids are grown they still love Kraft Mac & Cheese. Heck even I do! It’s great that they are trying to make it a better product.

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    Melissa March 7, 2016 (3:22 pm)

    A blind taste test? I had no idea and I know that we have had some Kraft macaroni and cheese since the change. Wow! I’m so glad they made a positive change. I can’t wait to try some more “knowing” about the changes they have made to improve their ingredients.