Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with Veggie Mobile

This veggie car is so fun! It will entice your kids to eat more vegetables!

First we made the axle and wheels by using carrots and olives. We attached them to each other with a half a toothpick placed in each end of the carrot then slipped on an olive.

Then we cut the cucumber in half for the body of the car. We placed the cucumber cut side down on top of the carrots.

Cut the small tomato in half and place it on top of the cucumber to represent the driver.

Create a veggie mobile to entice your kids to eat more vegetables.

We then added a half of a small orange to create a balanced meal which included Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, vegetables and fruit.

This is the perfect meal to start empowering your kids to cook. The directions are simple and straight-forward. The cooking time is minimal to keep kids attention.

Now that the news of the new formula is out Kraft is thanking fans for participating. Share your #didnotnotice stories on Twitter or on the Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Facebook page. Use the hashtag #didnotnotice for a change to win thousands of thank you gifts from Kraft. Some of the gifts include free product, celebratory T-shirts and even an oversized macaroni-inspired body pillow. How fun is that!


Veggie Mobile
Recipe type: Vegetable
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 2 Mini carrots
  • 4 Olives
  • 1 Small tomato
  • 2 Toothpicks - cut in half
  1. Cut the cucumber in half to represent the body of a car. Set aside.
  2. Push a half of a toothpick inside both ends of a carrot stick. Attach an olive to the carrot stick by pushing it on the toothpick. Repeat on the other side. This represents one axel with 2 wheels. Repeat with a second carrot stick and 2 more olives.
  3. Place the cut cucumber on top of the carrot sticks.
  4. Cut a small tomato in half. Place it on top of the cucumber to represent the driver.

Use Kraft Mac & Cheese to empower your kids to learn to cook. The directions are simple so that they can be successful. Create a veggie mobile, add fruit to round out the meal.


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

2 Replies to "Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with Veggie Mobile"

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    Patti Estep March 7, 2016 (1:20 pm)

    What a cute idea. Although my kids are grown they still love Kraft Mac & Cheese. Heck even I do! It’s great that they are trying to make it a better product.

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    Melissa March 7, 2016 (3:22 pm)

    A blind taste test? I had no idea and I know that we have had some Kraft macaroni and cheese since the change. Wow! I’m so glad they made a positive change. I can’t wait to try some more “knowing” about the changes they have made to improve their ingredients.