year : 2012 187 results

Color Me Rad Winner!

Color Me Rad winner is Tiffany who wrote; "I like Breathing Space Retreat on Facebook." Congrats!

Grilled Salmon I

Five Little Chefs - Cooking Salmon in Foil Packets We had success with our last salmon recipe, the Little Chefs were excited to try another. This time we chose Grilled Salmon from Little Chef A helped Little Chef D measure out the marinade ingredients into a ziploc bag. Little Chef D wanted so badly to make this recipe all by herself. But when she realized she could not hold everything at once, she let her sister assist. They were very careful to put the salmon in the bag ...

King Arthur Flour Very Berry Scones

Five Little Chefs - King Arthur Flour Very Berry Scones Little Chef D received some cooking supplies from Grandma and Grandpa for her birthday. This gift might seem unusual for someone this young, but she really does love to cook. She has been SO excited and wanted to make HER recipes every day! The first one she made was Very Berry Scones from King Arthur Flour. We made a small adaptation. Instead of doing it by hand I thought it would be easier if she pulsed the dough in a food processor. ...

Color Me Rad 5K Race – Utah

Have you ever heard of Color Me Rad? Until signing up for the Breathing Space Blogger Retreat I was not familiar with it. Take a look at the pictures! It looks like a big party right! We are not a running family, but we have been trying to get out and run/walk in preparation for fun summer hiking and activities. We will be participating for fun, not to win. My Little Chefs are so excited to look "like easter eggs"! (Easter is still on their minds!) Kids 7 and under run for free! I am buying ...

Bacon-Wrapped Green Bean Bundles

Five Little Chefs - Bacon-Wrapped Green Bean Bundles Little Chef D did a wonderful job cutting off the ends of the beans. She used a steak knife because that is all she is able to use safely. She HAD to cut both ends off!  While she was cutting she said, "Excellent, excellent I love it!" This was our first time blanching. All the Little Chefs gathered around as I explained blanching is only partially cooking the beans and then we take them out and put them in an ice bath to stop the ...

Market Street Au Gratin Potatoes

Five Little Chefs - Market Street Au Gratin Potatoes This was the first time Little Chef C peeled the potatoes without having one drop into the sink! We both were very excited! We have used the mandolin many time to slice potatoes. It works with limited success. This time I had a different idea for cutting, the food processor! Little Chef C had a great time dropping the potatoes into the hole and watching them shoot out the bottom into the bowl. She also grated the cheese in the same ...

Breathing Space – A Blogger Retreat

I am SO excited to attend Breathing Space a blogger retreat in Daybreak, Utah on May 4-5, 2012. I stumbled onto a post about this conference a couple weeks ago. I thought it would be good to meet other bloggers, especially because I'm new to this whole blogging world! My next thought was would it be fun going alone, not knowing anyone? After some more research and contemplation I decided to jump in and do something way out of my comfort zone and go. They said I would be provided with my new ...

Easter Turkey

  We pulled out the turkey from the refrigerator and cut open the bag. Little Chef A patted the turkey dry on both sides and placed it in the roasting pan. Little Chef C cut the orange and onion in 8ths. She did it the night before so she knew exactly how to do it, just one additional cut. She also cut the celery and the carrot in one inch pieces. Little Chef a covered the outside of the turkey with pats of butter. She was ok getting her hands all greasy this time and did not complain...

How NOT to brine a turkey!

Five Little Chefs - How NOT to brine a turkey Little Chef A thought it would be fun to make a turkey. While we were cooking she said over and over she wished it was Thanksgiving so we could have a lot of cousins to play with! That is usually what happens when we have turkey for a meal. After defrosting the turkey for days and taking up so much space in our refrigerator it was time to start preparing. Little Chef A was overly excited to take it out and put it in the freshly cleaned kitchen ...

Fried Ravioli

Five Little Chefs - Fried Ravioli Little Chef A was ready for another Giada recipe. We found Fried Ravioli from the Food Network. From reading the recipe it seemed easy. It has only a 15 minute cooking time! That means it should take us about an hour! Little Chef A went to the grocery store with me to find all the ingredients for this weeks recipes. She was extremely excited to have one on one time with me at the store! Little Chef A put some vegetable oil (not olive oil as the recipe ...

Little Chef Musings

Our Chicken Fajitas were featured at 30 Handmade Days! Thanks so much! My Little Chefs are starting to sound like they are experts. Some are more daring then others to voice their opinion. Some ask more questions then others. Most of those conversations occur while we are cooking. Some occur when we watch Food Network or when someone else is making the meal. Most of the time I laugh and they are not sure what to say to that. They do not know what is so funny. Tonight Little Chef Dad was ...

Frozen Yogurt Drops

Five Little Chefs - Frozen Yogurt Drops Frozen Yogurt Drops is not our idea. In fact I saw it on Pinterest and pinned it like many others. I wanted to see if Little Chefs could make these themselves. It does seem very simple. Only 4 steps! 1. Fill a ziploc bag with any type of yogurt, we used about 1 cup. Do you know the ziploc trick? Roll the top of the bag down so the new top edge is actually the inside of the bag. Now when you spill on the top part of the bag as you fill it you are ...