month : 10/2015 9 results

How to Ripen Green Tomatoes

If you have a garden like mine it is slowing down and I’m slowly cleaning up my garden for the year. I have many tomatoes still on the vine that are green. What do I do with those? Throw them away with the plant, eat green tomatoes or ripen them? Did you know you can ripen green tomatoes? Supplies Needed: Green Tomatoes Wide, shallow thick cardboard box How To Ripen Green Tomatoes Remove the green tomatoes from the vines before the frost. Wash under running water and ...

Roasted Asparagus with Parmesan

Some good friends of ours first introduced us to grilled asparagus a few years ago. It was strange and new and my kids didn't know what to expect, but they/we all loved it. Since then we have discovered we especially love the thin tender asparagus spears. Roasted Asparagus with Parmesan is an easy recipe that can be made just before serving. The baking temperature is not a misprint. Crank that oven up and roast them at 550 degrees F. The spears come out pipping hot. Using a microplane ...

Raspberry Sweet Rolls

Sweet rolls is a special treat in our home. The prep time is a little long (most of it is rising time) so I don't make them very often. Honestly I would love to make them all the time because they are that good, but then I would eat them and that isn't great. Christmas day is one of those special times where cinnamon rolls are a must. They are requested by my girls each year. Because of our abundance of raspberries this year I have been making a lot of easy recipes with raspberries; ...

Creamy Chicken with Vegetables

When soccer and volleyball season are in full swing we are going every night. My girls get home from school and have a 30 minute break, then it is off to the races. We are bouncing from one place to another usually doing homework in the car. When we do come home it is either for a short window or it is late and everyone is grumpy because they are hungry and tired. These are the nights when I need a super quick easy recipe. This Creamy Chicken with Vegetables can be put together so quickly I ...

Mini Sausage Frittata

I'm happy to be working with Johnsonville to bring you this Mini Sausage Frittata recipe. This breakfast recipe takes a little longer to cook because I like my hash browns crispy. Most of your time is waiting for the fritatas to bake which makes the preparation simple which means this an easy recipe. All of my kids LOVED this recipe. After just a couple bites they told me we needed to make this again. This was a home run! They especialy loved the sausage in the middle! I have found ...

Raspberry Cream Cheese French Toast

We are having raspberry everything in my house right now and I love it! I have been picking about 2 cups from my raspberry bushes each day. We have more on the vines but those end up in my kids mouths before we make it to the kitchen! Our Homemade Raspberry Syrup as well as this Raspberry Cream Cheese French Toast are easy recipes. This is an overnight french toast recipe or if you love breakfast for dinner just prepare this early in the morning. Before you start making this Raspberry ...

Chocolate Turtle Cake

Sometimes I need an easy recipe that is also quick to make. This Chocolate Turtle Cake is one of those recipes. I always seem to have a cake mix in my pantry as well as a variety of chips and nuts. Add a can of evaporated milk and stick of butter and you have everything you need. This recipe uses my favorite cake mix, german chocolate!  Mix the melted butter with the cake mix and evaporated milk. Put half of the cake mixture into your pan and cook for 10 minutes. Pull it out of ...

Homemade Raspberry Syrup

Raspberries hold a special place in my heart. When I was little the raspberries grew on the side of our house. I would jump over the side of the front porch to pick. Each time I went out I would come back with a huge bowl! When my kids go to Grandma and Grandpa's house they like to have their snack outside in the garden. The main thing they eat are raspberries - which Grandma calls "candy" because they are so sweet. This year at my house we have an abundance of raspberries. I have been freezing ...

Chicken Broccoli Casserole

I love nights when I can dump and go. This Chicken Broccoli Casserole is one of those easy recipes. The hardest part is cooking and dicing the chicken. To make it even faster use left over chicken or thanksgiving turkey, canned chicken or even rotisserie chicken. The recipe calls for frozen broccoli because it is ready to go, no need to thaw. In fact the extra water makes the sauce a little more soupy which is the way we like it. You are welcome to use fresh broccoli, just make sure to cut ...