Tortilla Soup

Martha Stewart Cooking School's Tortilla Soup from #cookingschool #kidscooking #soup

The next soup in the Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Cookbook is Tortilla Soup. We were super excited after reading the recipe because our stock was already made and frozen. We had extra chicken from our chicken soup so making the tortilla soup was going to be super easy! We had a little shopping to do to pick up a few extra ingredients. 

The chili puree took the longest time but it was easy. This was Little Chef D’s assignment. She found it VERY interesting that both chili’s began as flat and dry. After dry roasting for a couple minutes one had puffed up while the other was still flat. After some investigating she realized it was because one chili had a hole in it while the other did not. It was like a balloon. It only stays puffy if there isn’t a hole. We really do learn all sorts of things while we cook!

Martha Stewart Cooking School's Tortilla Soup from #cookingschool #kidscooking #soup Martha Stewart Cooking School's Tortilla Soup from #cookingschool #kidscooking #soup

This was the first time roasting tomatoes under the broiler. It was fun to watch the skin char and bubble and begin to slip off. When they are done they are squishy and easy to roughly chop.

Martha Stewart Cooking School's Tortilla Soup from #cookingschool #kidscooking #soup

While we were getting the garnishes ready for the soup I mentioned a red onion. Little Chef D immediately pipped up “the red onion goes in at the end right?” I didn’t even think she was paying attention to our conversation. I had to pause for a minute to realize what she was trying to tell me. Then it came to me…we had talked about onions in a previous lesson and she was remembering the red onion always goes in at the end. You do not cook with a red onion. Yes you are correct! She was remembering and applying her gained knowledge to a recipe! We are learning from this experience!

For Martha’s Tortilla Soup recipe go to page 47 in the Martha Stewart’s Cooking School Cookbook.


I am a mom to Five Little Chefs who love to cook and create anything with their hands. Watching over 10 additional hands keeps me busy but is so much fun! We laugh and cry everyday, but then want to do it again the next day. That is how we know we are enjoying life!

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