The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners

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We are excited to be sharing the book The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners.  I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel I shouldn’t need to continue to remind my child when to say “thank you” and “please”.  No, I don’t need to remind him every time, but frequently.  And, what about manners at the table, or at a friends house?  This is a great book to read with your children.  We all need a review of what good manners are, and why they are so important.

After we read the book we went over a few Questions to discuss about Manners.

We had fun making a book out of construction paper.  In this book were used red and green squares to go along with bad and good manners.  This was a great activity to review the book and what they remembered.  My son is great at writing words if we review the letters and sounds.  Once we had all the pieces of paper glued in our “book” we went to work coming up with manners.  If you have older children you can use these red and green squares by comparing.  For example, my son has “takes a toy” and “say please”.  Your older children can take those two words and write, “The Berenstain Bears showed bad manners when they took a toy, but they showed good manners when they said please.”

Sometimes I like to see if there is a short video to go along with the book that we are reading.  I actually found a Youtube video to share with you.  This is great for the younger children that have a harder time sitting through a long book like The Berenstain Bears Forget Their Manners.  No, I don’t believe in sitting your children in front of the TV or Computer as a babysitter.  But, to reinforce the book, I felt this was a great 11 minute clip.

A few years ago I found this great FHE lesson on manners.  My kids love it.  It is interactive, dinosaurs, and has a fun story.  I have altered the story to fit my family, and the young ages of my children.  But, it is a great place to start.

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