month : 03/2014 15 results

Easter Egg Planter

When we made a trip to the local dollar store for supplies for our Easter Egg Door Decoration we picked up a few other supplies. You know when you have an idea so you buy a few supplies even when you are not sure if it will work out or not? That is what we did. This craft actually took about 10 minutes. We wanted to create something before school so we put this together. The girls were overly excited to help this time. Supplies: Rectangular planter Rectangular foam Rocks ...

General Conference {FREE} Printable

Around this time I start to wonder "How I am going to keep my Little Chefs busy or engaged or willing to watch General Conference?" What is the best method? There are so many resources out there with different options and suggestions. (We have also shared a General Conference Packet previously.) I have found the best method is different for each of my girls. Their ages and abilities make it difficult to have one rule that fits all. I have come to realize that it is ok for each person to have ...

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (If You Give...) is such a cute book.  K loved reading this book over and over.  The story starts with a boy eating cookies outside his house.  Soon he sees a mouse and want to share his cookies with it.  The mouse eats the cookie and then asks for milk, of course the boy gives him some milk.  The little mouse continues asking for things, and the cute little boy continues to give him what he would like.  If You Give a Mouse a Cookie is written well by ...

Mini Easter Basket

A couple years ago, I believe it was, I saw a post where a pop top can was opened from the bottom. It was cleaned out, refilled and a label was put on the outside for a christmas neighbor gift. I can't remember where I saw it, but here is another example with the instructions on the can portion. With the beginning of an idea from my mom I decided to use one of these cans I still had stashed away to turn it into an Easter basket. Supplies: can (see link above for instructions) blue ...

Easter Egg Stitches

Last year I taught my Little Chefs how to stitch on a plastic canvas to make these fun Stitched Easter Eggs. I showed them how to do each stitch and then let them loose. They created these on their own. (Actually, I did thread and rethread the yarn over and over and over again as it was pulled out of the needle.) They did ALL of the stitching. This is why this piece of art was displayed in our home for a very long time. They were all extremely proud of their work! Today I thought I'd share ...

It Looked Like Spilt Milk

We are so excited to introduce the book It Looked Like Spilt Milk.  When we asked friends and neighbors if they had heard of it the majority said "no".  This is a great book because, I feel, it promotes creative thinking.  There is repetition that not only engages the children, but it makes it easy for them to respond.  There are different shapes and pictures, but in the end what are the shapes?  Read this book and find out!! One thing we enjoyed doing was going out on a cloudy day. ...

How To Boil An Egg

Hard boiled eggs are the most common at our house throughout the year, not just at Easter. I think it is because they can be made and then they can sit until everyone wakes up. They do not need to be immediately served. Technically the eggs are not boiled they are cooked. If your hard cooked eggs are rubbery and dry they were cooked too long. They should still be soft. Soft cooked eggs have a runny yolk. They are served in their shell with bread to dip in the runny yolk or they may be ...

Fun Facts About Eggs

The next section in Martha Stewart's Cooking School Cookbook is Eggs! Since we will be talking about them for a while we decided to share some interesting facts we have learned about eggs. Eggs are the most versatile protein because it can be the basis for so many dishes. Eggs should be cooked on low to medium heat. Eggs are comprised of the yolk (yellow part) and albumen (white part). Yolk = most fat and most flavor Egg whites whip up to many times its volume. Fresh egg = plump ...

Easter Egg Door Decoration – Easter Crafts

We love Easter Crafts because they get us excited for Easter. Holiday's are only one day. When we extend it through crafts and food and activities the one day turns into days of fun and excitement. We were at our local dollar store when we saw a fun egg cut out. Right in the store came a little inspiration. Supplies: All items purchased at our local Dollar Tree Cut out egg Package of felt Hot glue Glitter glue The first step is to plan out your egg pattern. The best ...

Easter Linky Party

I love seeing all the new holiday posts. I thought it would be fun to create a dedicated linky party just for Easter. Anything Easter related is welcome. I will leave this party open until the beginning of May. Thanks for joining and be sure to help spread the word. An InLinkz Link-up

Pie in the Sky

This weeks book review is Pie in the Sky.  You haven't heard of it you say?  Well, neither had we until we went to the library.  This story is about the growing cycle of a cherry tree throughout the year.  This book is great for your younger kids and older kids.  There is a short story part to the book, but on each page there are riddles in smaller case wording.  They are similar to "I-spy".  At the conclusion of the book there is a full cherry pie recipe that you can make with your ...

Challenge: Shed 300 In 30 Days

The weather is getting warmer where we live but it always does this and then gets really cold one last time. I am trying not to be excited about the warmer weather yet. After a long winter I want to open the windows and air out the house, declutter and make things brighter and sunnier inside to reflect the outside. With now 5 Little Chefs we have a lot of stuff. Each person doesn't need to have a lot to collectively have a lot. I do know it is a lot easier to keep things picked up with less ...